Fahrenheit Expert Spotlight: Kim Moore, Business Advisory Consultant
Kim Moore is an automation evangelist. For her, robots are not threatening humanoids or massive assembly line machines. They are lines of software code, accessible to businesses of any size, that can connect digital systems and automate repeatable processes – optimizing business operations by freeing humans for higher level, more valuable work. “Even small gains in productivity and efficiency are…Read More
Maximize Business Agility with Financial Statement Close & Reporting Automation
To move your business forward, you need real-time financial data. Better financial data produces smarter insights. Smarter insights support smarter decision-making. And smarter decision-making empowers your business to respond to new opportunities, make strategic adjustments, and, most importantly, drive growth. Today’s future-forward businesses maximize business agility with financial statement close and reporting automation that promises more accuracy and more access…Read More
Going Paperless Makes Sense and Saves Cents
“Going paperless.” These two words cause anxiety in the business world because they mean change, and most people cling to the status quo like a dog’s grip on a bone. Many believe using paper makes processes and systems more organized, and companies that use physical documents are resistant to changing “the way it’s always been.” The truth is, as a…Read More
5 Critical Questions to Ask Before Investing in a New Accounting System
To illustrate the importance of making a careful, educated decision about whether to invest in a new accounting system, I will share a cautionary tale and offer five critical considerations before making a switch. A few years ago, a client of mine took me to lunch in his new Porsche 911. The car was gorgeous. It was fast and it…Read More
“No” to Complacency and “Yes” to Optimization Opportunities
You’ve worked hard to get your business where it is today. You’re doing well. You have hard-working employees. You have loyal customers — though you’re not seeing steady customer growth, you’re not losing them, either. Despite a few issues, the business is rolling along. And you’re OK with that. Or are you? Sometimes you think you could do things more…Read More
Maximize Efficiencies with Purchase-to-Pay Process Automation (SERIES: Part 3 of 5)
Want to increase profits through more efficient operations? Business process automation for your purchase-to-pay processes will get you there. There’s no better time to implement business process automation — called BPA and also known as digital transformation — to up-level your business and set the stage for transformational growth. Business process automation is at the top of to-do trends for…Read More
Why Automate Customer Orders to Cash (SERIES: Part 2 of 5)
Thanks to the pandemic, business process automation is more important now than ever before. In fact, Forbes has tagged automation as 2022’s #2 biggest business trend and the #1 tech trend that will dominate business in the coming year. What does that mean for you? It’s time to get on board, if you haven’t already. When you leverage business process…Read More
Ensure Timely and Accurate Financials With a WIP Report
The Work in Progress report is an important tool, used primarily by construction, engineering, supply chain management, and other companies involved in complicated multi-step projects which involve timelines stretching over months, and in some cases, years. This article, written with the construction industry in mind, briefly surveys the usefulness of the WIP report and the inherent hazards of improper usage.…Read More
Big Benefits of Business Process Automation (SERIES: Part 1 of 5)
Leverage Business Process Automation To Up-Level Your Business If you’re not interested in increasing productivity, saving money, and staying competitive, you don’t need to read this article. Business process automation will help you achieve all three — and then some. By my count, there are 23 key benefits for your business. When you leverage business process automation to up-level your…Read More
How to Prepare Your Business For LIBOR Loan Phase-Out
If your business has a LIBOR-based loan, change is coming your way. LIBOR, the London Interbank Offered Rate, is being eliminated as an interest rate index – on a global scale. It’s not a question of “if” it will affect your business, it’s a definitive “when.” And that “when” starts now. No new LIBOR loans should be issued after…Read More
Tips for 2022 Business Planning and Goal Creation
One year ago, as organizations were starting to plan for 2021, pretty much everyone threw up their hands and said, “There are too many unknowns with COVID-19 to even try to plan!” Now, driving toward 2022, we feel like we can see a little more clearly… starting to visualize life after COVID-19, though admittedly through a bit of a haze.…Read More
Achieve Your Business Goals by Year End
There’s no escape. Winter is coming. Like the white walkers in Game of Thrones, the goals you set for yourself and your business earlier this year, the ones you haven’t looked at since March, stalk you as the days get shorter, colder… darker. But there’s still time to ward off the night, accomplish what you set out to do, and…Read More