Are your Employees Ignoring their 401(k)s?
For many businesses, offering employees a 401(k) plan is no longer an option — it’s a competitive necessity. But employees often grow so accustomed to having a 401(k) that they don’t pay much attention to it. It’s in your best interest as a business owner to buck this trend. Keeping your…Read More -
Your Strategic Plans Aren’t Strategic, Or Even Plans
I recently read an article in Harvard Business Review by Graham Kenny entitled, “Your Strategic Plans Probably Aren’t Strategic, or Even Plans.” While not a new article or concept, the content is to the point and something all management teams should read, understand and embrace. It even struck close to home as my own organization tends to call our annual…Read More -
Is Your Sales Process Weakening Your Bottom Line?
Every once in a while, I run across a sales expert I really like and make a point to follow. For me, that’s Mark Cranney . Mark Cranney has built enormous revenue streams for Opsware, Inc. (which was acquired by HP), Hewlett-Packard, and hundreds of portfolio companies for VC firm Andreesen Horowitz. He knows a thing or two about building a…Read More -
Why Is Fahrenheit a Great Place to Work? Employee Tells All
When people ask me if I like my job it’s very easy to say yes! I am fortunate enough to work for a company full of smart, fun and generous people. While we know it internally, it’s always nice to be recognized by programs like the “Best Places to Work in Virginia” program administered by the Best Companies Group. This…Read More -
Effective Sales Organization Structures
In nearly every industry and particularly those in B2B markets, the sales organization is the lifeblood of a company’s growth. While these teams are universally tasked with the same goal, namely creating revenue from new accounts and driving incremental sales from existing accounts, we have seen sales organizations structured in…Read More -
Magic 8 Ball Says YES To Volunteerism and Employee Engagement
Finding the right way to engage employees can be difficult. Done without much thought it can be hit or miss; like engaging the Magic 8 Ball for an answer. Sometimes the answer is “YES” or “MAYBE.” Sometimes “DON’T COUNT ON IT.” If you feel that way, incorporating a volunteer program may be the answer. This recent article found in Fortune…Read More -
Make Sure the Price Is Right with Market Research
The promise of the new year lies ahead. One way to help ensure that it will be a profitable one is to re-evaluate your company’s pricing strategy. We recommend devising an approach that considers more than just what it costs to produce the product or deliver the service; your pricing strategy should incorporate your company’s specific customer value proposition…Read More -
3 Lessons Learned From the Decline of GE
The Wall Street Journal recently ran an excellent article about the long decline of General Electric Company. I read the article with particular interest, as I do most articles about GE, since my first job out of college was with GE in New York City. It is hard for me to come to grips with the idea that GE is…Read More