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Fahrenheit Executive Shares Emotional Intelligence Knowledge with PRNEWS

“A candidate’s resume doesn’t tell the whole story. Emotional intelligence (EI) is not quantifiable on a CV but it has been identified as the number one quality you need in a new employee,” writes PRNEWS Group author Eileen Simonson Hiebler.

To learn more about the subject, Hiebler turned to Fahrenheit Advisors Senior Recruiting Consultant, Sarah Gobble for her story.

Gobble began by clarifying what EI is, then explained how to gauge emotional intelligence during the recruiting process. 

Gobble reports that “inexperienced interviewers fall into the trap of asking a question, listening to the answer and then moving on without probing or clarifying the candidate’s answers. I find when you probe and make them explain themselves you get what you are really looking for.”

Ready to learn more? Read “How to Identify Emotional Intelligence in a Prospective Employee” or contact Sarah today. 

Bringing the Human Back to Human Resources
Fahrenheit helps organizations make informed decisions on employee-related challenges. Built by HR professionals, Fahrenheit provides both fractional and project-based consulting services, including: executive search and talent acquisition, HR compliance and policy, executive coaching, organizational effectiveness and compensation, and benefit plan evaluation and development. Learn more here about Fahrenheit Advisors Human Resources services or email us today.


Fahrenheit Advisors is a full-service advisory firm that helps companies overcome challenges and find the straightest path to growth. Fahrenheit specializes in Business Strategy, Accounting and Finance, Human Resources, Sales Transformation, Investment Banking and Executive Search & Recruiting. Our team of seasoned, C-level executives and consultants collaborate with management to define strategy, build roadmaps, execute initiatives and deliver measurable results. We serve clients across all industries focusing on emerging growth and middle-market companies, as well as nonprofit organizations and state agencies. Headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, the firm has an office in Phoenix, Arizona and additional resources in Charlottesville and Roanoke, Virginia, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina and Florida. For more information about Fahrenheit, visit or email at