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Fahrenheit Compensation Expert Spotlight: Merryman Putnam

Merryman Putnam | Human Capital | Fahrenheit Advisors

Merryman Putnam partners with businesses to help them overcome a significant challenge to growth: compensation strategy. With more than 20 years’ experience serving a variety of industries, she leverages unbiased, third-party compensation data to formulate competitive salary structures, job-leveling solutions, and attractive incentive plans. The work delivers competitive alignment with peers, streamlined HR operations, and stronger organizational culture.


  • Market pricing & analysis
  • Salary structure creation/revision
  • Proxy studies- executive and board
  • Job description review
  • Compensation philosophy review/creation
  • Incentive plan design


  • Aerospace & engineering
  • Banking & finance
  • Healthcare
  • Insurance & workers’ compensation
  • Manufacturing
  • Nonprofit
  • Technology
  • Utilities


“My favorite sports team is the Trinity University women’s basketball team. My daughter is a shooting guard and starting her senior season. Go Tigers!”

Contact us today to discuss your compensation strategy and begin moving your HR functions straight forward.