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CASE STUDY: Equipping Director-Level Talent with C-Suite Leadership Skills

Coaching Case Study | Human Capital | Fahrenheit Advisors

Fahrenheit Advisors’ Frank Cummins, a certified leadership coach, worked one-on-one with a director at a large consultancy to help her become a more effective leader. The following case study summarizes the engagement and outcomes.


An international health and human services consulting firm selected Fahrenheit Advisors to accelerate the development of a promising director-level leader who managed projects across the U.S.


The director selected Frank Cummins, a certified leadership coach at Fahrenheit Advisors, to serve as her coach. His first step was taking time to understand the director’s strengths and opportunities for improvement. Discovery included speaking with her supervisor, reviewing her self-administered, as well as her colleagues’ 360 Feedback Survey results, and having her complete the Hogan Assessment. Cummins and the director next established goals:

  • Improve executive presence
  • Better manage resources & delegation
  • Improve communication of contributions to the organization

Cummins met with the director twice a month for six months to work on the behaviors and skills needed to achieve goals. Noticing improvement, the director’s supervisor extended the engagement six additional months to ensure sustainability of results.


The director earned a promotion to senior director and she reports achievement of the engagement’s established goals:

Executive Presence

  • More composure under pressure
  • Exhibiting leadership behaviors of senior executives

Resources & Delegation

  • Improved delegation skills
  • More focus on staff development
  • Reduction of perfectionist behaviors

Communicating Value

  • Improved communication to staff and leadership about the value of her and her team’s contributions

Go to our leadership and executive coaching services page to see if Fahrenheit Advisors is right for you.

A Downloadable PDF of this case study is available here.