Everything I Ever Needed to Know I Learned From “Survivor”
Steve Baker, Senior Resource Manager Fahrenheit Finance, August 2013 Ever since the CBS reality TV show, “Survivor”, premiered in 2000 it’s been my shameless weekly addiction. For those who have perhaps been on a deserted island themselves for the past 13 years, the premise of the show is to strand 16 average Americans…Read More -
Employee Involvement Drives Ideas
The traditional suggestion program (often just a suggestion box) usually lumbers along. Then, it sputters out. You know there has to be tremendous untapped knowledge and ability within your employee base. So how do you help them put it to work for your organization? There's a better way to continuously get ideas from your employees. It's with employee-driven involvement. For…Read More -
Help Your Employees Appreciate Your Investment in Them
You are probably paying your employees a lot more than they realize. There is an easy and inexpensive way to remedy this gap in knowledge. This may be particularly important at a time when the economy is slowly improving and employees may be inclined to snap up a job offer from another employer merely on the basis of the promised…Read More -
Lesson #2: Complacency and a Closed Mind Will Choke the Golden Goose
Complacency and a Closed Mind Will Choke the Golden Goose Lesson #2: Learned from the Rise and Fall of Vanquished Companies - July 2013 Dave Garlock, Fahrenheit Finance This article is the second in the series of interpretations of the concept of “Habits of Mind” set forth in Good to Great to Gone, the 60 Year Rise and Fall of…Read More -
9 Qualities Of Truly Confident People
What is confidence? And, do you express the qualities of a true leader? First things first: Confidence is not bravado, or swagger, or an overt pretense of bravery. Confidence is not some bold or brash air of self-belief directed at others. Confidence is quiet: It’s a natural expression of ability, expertise, and self-regard. Keep reading to see if you have…Read More -
Can you Transition to be a CEO?
Are you a CEO? There is a difference between a founder and a CEO. A founder has a vision and a passion, can inspire customers, employees and investors to believe in an idea's potential. A founder believes so much in the vision that they are willing to ride out uncertainty and failure to see the idea succeed. These traits do…Read More -
Stop Telling Your Employees What to Do
It turns out there is a scientific reason why employees are less effective when tasks are dictated. Describe the outcome you are trying to achieve, be clear on the requirements, and preserve the worker's autonomy. This is a very effective approach in getting the most out of knowledge workers. What to know how? Read on...Read More -
7 Secrets of the Uber-Productive
What are the secrets of the uber-productive? Some people get more done than others--a lot more. Work hard, work smart...of course. But these achievers have qualities that make a major impact on their performance. Want to know what they are? Read on by clicking hereRead More