The 360-Perspective: Social Platforms and the Finance Executive
Whether you’re involved in social media or not, the fact remains that new networking platforms are created almost every day.
And with each new development, it’s becoming easier for you to connect with people and also for others (including recruiters) to find you.
That’s if you’re using these platforms correctly, or even at all.
According to Kevin Wheeler, President and Founder of Global Learning Resources, Inc., the successful recruiter of today as the ability to:
- Find rare talent
- Build relationships
- Understand technology
- Sell the candidate and make the hire
But, what does this mean for the financial professional?
There will always be conflicting opinions on which platforms are most appropriate for your professional presence (LinkedIn) and whether or not it’s possible to have synergy between the personal and the professional to create a more “complete picture” of you as a candidate (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
With this in mind, it’s important to ask yourself: while keeping a finger on the pulse of the finance industry (whether you’re considering a career move, simply curious about the job market, or just keeping tabs on issues and influencers in your field), are those same individuals, head-hunters and companies able to find the right information about you?
- Can you be found easily or is your presence so obscure that you may be overlooked?
- Have you invested in relationships with recruiters in your network?
- Has your skill set continued to develop and adapt with changes in technology?
- Are your best, most high-demand traits and selling points communicated clearly?
While working to carve out your place in the social space, this means thinking about the 360-perspective.
The traditional view for many is to draw a line between the professional and personal, never mixing the two. However, creating a partnership between your branded, professional self and the transparency of your “real-self” can actually give you an advantage.
This doesn’t mean that it’s time to go abandoning every privacy setting on your personal Facebook profile, but it does warrant a second look at how your personality on Facebook (hobbies, interests, groups, shared content, communication style) can work in cohesion with the nitty-gritty of professional information you may already have established on LinkedIn. Not only will a recruiter or company understand your skill set and where your expertise in the field lies, they will also get a feel of how you fit in with their culture; how other, personal characteristics may also prove to be strengths for their business.
How do you blend the personal with the professional, or do you keep each separate? Do you have any tips or tricks to share?