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Has housing turned the corner?

In the local market there are a lot of positive signs…more traffic, shorter time on the market for resales, and increased new construction activity.  That is all good news, but there are still significant challenges for the industry:  availability of credit to builders and developers, mortgage availability to potential homebuyers and sluggish improvement in the jobs market.  All in all, a mixed outlook but that is a significant improvement from a few years ago when all of the news was bad news. The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo builder sentiment index rose to 40 this month, the highest since June 2006.  Continue reading this article which discusses an increase in the confidence level of homebuilders.

Want to discuss your specific questions with one of industry experts?  Connect with Doug Jones, one of the fractional CFO's at Fahrenheit who has served the home building industry (and many others.)  Doug can be reached at