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Business Resolutions Successful People Keep

Ever notice how successful leaders just seem to identify important things and consistently get them done?  As we kick off a new year and write our own list of resolutions (both personal and professional), I thought it would be worth taking a look at how the most successful people approach this task. 

This article from Forbes touches on 10 business resolutions that I thought were worth a read.  My favorite: #6 Resolve to invent more choices – Here’s a secret that happy people know that I learned from my friend Dr. Dan Baker: You can’t feel grateful and fearful at the same time. And one certain way to become afraid is to feel trapped by any situation. The remedy is choice. The more choices you feel you have, the less trapped—and happier—you will feel. So this year, resolve to do a bit of brainstorming every time you feel unhappy.

Happy New Year!