Bridging the Employee Engagement Gap
Doing more with less. It’s the motto not only for our personal life these days, but it seems for businesses as well. The economic recession put many companies in the position of having to ask both top management and employees to pick up the slack and share extra responsibilities to keep the company on track. Unfortunately, an extended period of…Read More -
Keep Moving Ahead with Fahrenheit
The recession has given way to a more optimistic outlook in some industries, especially those that play key roles in the recovery process. Finance and technology are two sectors that have seen resurgences, with each having a marked improvement in hiring over this time last year. Here at Fahrenheit, we’ve seen more of a demand for services around these industries…Read More -
New SEC International Finance Reporting Standards
We know a little more about what criteria will be used to help the SEC decide about the role of International Finance Reporting Standards (IFRS) into the financial reporting system in 2011, thanks to a recent report that outlined progress toward establishing global accounting standards. The progress report sheds light on the role of the national standard setter in various…Read More -
FASB Says One for All; CFOs Say All for None
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is proposing a new “one size fits all” approach to revenue-recognition rules for companies, regardless of industry. This means that companies like Ford Motor Company, Apple and Caterpillar, which at the moment have nothing in common, could face challenging accounting hurdles trying to meet all-encompassing reporting rules, in the near future. Getting rid of…Read More -
What To Know When Issuing Liquidity And Capital Resource Disclosures
Last month’s SEC guidance on liquidity and capital resources disclosures and Management’s Discussions and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (MD&A) is meant to help investors better understand a registrant’s liquidity and funding risks. The guidance (FR-83) concentrates on liquidity, leverage ratios and the contractual obligations table. While the guidance offers no new additions to the current SEC…Read More -
The 360-Perspective: Social Platforms and the Finance Executive
Whether you’re involved in social media or not, the fact remains that new networking platforms are created almost every day. And with each new development, it’s becoming easier for you to connect with people and also for others (including recruiters) to find you. That’s if you’re using these platforms correctly, or even at all. According to Kevin Wheeler, President and…Read More -
Tips For Keeping Employees Engaged and Growing
A strong company is always growing and evolving, so it’s important to ensure that your employees are doing the same. But what’s the best approach to promote development of the top talent? That answer may be unique depending on your company, team and overall approach to your business. One Set Curriculum For All Making your learning practices standardized can be…Read More -
The Importance of Adding “Communicator” to your Analytics Skill Set
On Tuesday, the blog “Communications Conversations,” aimed at PR, Marketing and Advertising professionals, argued for the importance of adding analytics to your skill set as a communicator. For those who studied and now practice any form of mass communication –public relations, advertising and now emerging and social media – the realization set in that the last math class you decided to…Read More -
Watching Competitors’ Spending To Set Your Company’s Financial Plan
A recent article on Fast Company’s web site about analyzing the spending of those around you to help determine how much you should spend made us think about assessing spending for projects and personnel on a larger scale. It’s always tough to determine whether or not you’re paying what you should – looking around at what your competitor’s spend is a good…Read More -
Part I: The Benefits of a Purchasing Card Program for Your Business
It seems that every day, the business professional is introduced and enticed with a system or tool to help them communicate, sell, track and even operate completely differently. But with technology, it’s not just about doing something different. It’s about using that technology to do something better. And in the world of B2B communications, one of those technologies is a Purchasing…Read More -
“I Quit”….Really???
The work force is listening more intently as the sound of opportunity has begun knocking softly. As employees are becoming increasingly confident that the recession is nearing an end, hiring opportunities are beginning to entice many to let go of the jobs they were holding onto so dearly and venture out in their fields to see what else may be…Read More -
The Age of the Freelancer
As many businesses cautiously begin to hire new employees, a different type of worker is emerging as the top choice for many recruiters. More and more companies are seeking out independent contractors to fill positions that were once deemed to be standard full-time positions. As the recession finally begins to halt, a transformation in how we work and what we…Read More