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NonProfit Boards and Power Imbalances

The stories in this article from The Chronicle of Philanthropy about NonProfit board members misusing their power ring all too true to me. Throughout my career, I have witnessed many effective nonprofit boards of directors working in tandem with the organization’s CEO/executive director and staff fulfilling their respective missions. Then again, I have also witnessed many boards that are ineffective, indecisive, and a barrier to an organization’s success, like those in the anecdotes in this article by Joan Garry. All too frequently, people join a nonprofit board for the wrong reasons such as only to make business connections with no passion for its mission.

Have you ever witnessed boards where the power dynamic served individual needs rather than the greater good of the organization? What kind of nonprofit board do you serve on?  Or, what kind of board would you like to create?  I would love to discuss the issues and leadership circumstances you’re facing. Contact me anytime. Let’s set up a time for a call or coffee.

About Harry Warner

Harry Warner is a Managing Director with Fahrenheit Advisors’ NonProfit line of business. Harry brings 35 year’s professional experience in leadership, business development, and managerial effectiveness in both the corporate business and nonprofit sectors, with areas of specialty including nonprofit management, fundraising, strategic planning, marketing, and financial administration. Harry believes that strong corporate-community relationships are key to an organization’s success. He remains actively involved in the nonprofit and fundraising community at both the local, state and national level.