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I’ve Stopped Being a Pig (Video)

I finally stopped being a pig.

My peers are tired of me pulling out the old saw: “The chicken is involved in a bacon and egg breakfast, the pig is committed,” but for a long time I thought I had to be the pig in my career in order to fully feel the satisfaction of helping a team achieving a goal. And I did have a tremendously rewarding 20+ year career in CPG manufacturing companies, feeling great satisfaction each time I created value for the organization.

However as I look back at the last couple of roles I had, helping companies turnaround under-performing businesses then move along a path of fast growth, I came to realize that what I really enjoyed was troubleshooting and re-engineering processes. Assuming I did a good enough job constructing robust processes to provide a solid foundation for the turnaround and growth, I was OK looking at it as a project that I could leave in others’ hands to maintain. No need to hang around, better to look for another opportunity to create value somewhere else.

So a few months ago I started re-evaluating what kind of role I should take on, and with each day of reflection, I came to realize that helping companies who are struggling with growth was the right path. I was lucky enough to find three solid consulting practices, led by some of the smartest people I’ve ever met, who were willing to indulge my endless questions and each of whom ultimately offered me a chance to jump aboard. As I looked at the totality of what Fahrenheit could offer, however, my decision became easy.

(Gunther Brinkman at Firehouse Theatre where he gladly volunteers his time.)

By combining Finance, Sales Transformation, Organizational Development, and now my Operations & Manufacturing Transformation work under the same umbrella, I’m certain we can collectively add value to client organizations in a way that many other consultants cannot. I have more than 70 bright, experienced, and hard-working professional colleagues I can call on for everything from a quick level-setting chat to a full engagement partnership for the thorniest problems. 

Another benefit to joining Fahrenheit is that the role gives me the opportunity to stay in Richmond. My family has established roots here, and I have enjoyed being active in the community. Like many of my Fahrenheit colleagues, I’ve found great organizations to become involved with locally. I’m currently volunteering my time to serve on the boards of the business networking group Association for Corporate Growth and the Firehouse Theatre.

Every day I’m excited to get out and find companies whom I can help to find the straightest path to growth. I’ve stopped being a pig, and I’m now embracing the opportunity to leave a few golden eggs behind while I continue to support my favorite organizations.

About the Author

Gunther Brinkman is an experienced operations executive who joins Fahrenheit to expand its advisory services focusing on Operations & Manufacturing Transformation. With over 20 years’ experience in the Consumer Packaged Goods world, Gunther has held senior management roles responsible for leading Sales & Marketing, Information Technology, Research & Development, Transportation & Logistics, Customer Service, Contract Manufacturing, and External Manufacturing Management teams. Contact Gunther.