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CEO Roundtable Organization Grows Through COVID

Fahrenheit Managing Director, Jay Carpenter met with Executive Director of the Virginia Council of CEOs, Scot McRoberts to learn how the council has pivoted during COVID times in this short video. Learn how the Council has expanded its reach by transitioning from a boots on the ground to a virtual model to recruit and connect small and mid-sized business CEOs across the state of Virginia.

Founded 20 years ago, VACEOs is a nonprofit organization that connects CEOs through learning and growth. The Council of 230 members benefits from monthly peer roundtables, programming and networking events. Roundtables consist of eight to ten members who are noncompeting CEOs and would traditionally meet in Central Virginia and Charlottesville, Virginia. Meetings follow a strict protocol to help members learn from and support each other.


Through the pandemic, roundtable members are meeting virtually. The Council is providing shorter online programming, speakers, webinars and virtual social events to continue connecting members. VACEOs is planning for an online model through the Fall. Author of the book In Search of Excellence, Tom Peters is booked to present to members in the first half of this year. Scott Galloway, New York University business professor, best-selling author, podcaster and blogger is also lined up in 2021.

Previously, the Council limited itself by believing it was restricted to in-person experiences to recruit and meet regularly. The pandemic helped open up virtual options for cultivating both recruitment and membership events. Three new roundtables have started virtually since the onset of the pandemic. VACEOs has launched a new statewide campaign to reach and connect CEOs statewide and modified their process and protocols successfully to adapt.

Learn more about the Council and view their constantly updated virtual calendar of events at Fahrenheit Advisors is a major supporter of the Council as the lead sponsor for 2021. If Fahrenheit can help connect you with the Council or to learn more about our services, reach out to us at

About the Author

Jay Carpenter helps develop business in Virginia and provides clients with customized strategies for solving their challenges and growing their business. His strong relationships with C-level executives and referral sources allow him to identify new business opportunities and guide business owners, management teams, and entrepreneurs in achieving their goals through financial strategies and risk management. Jay’s expertise includes sales, recruiting, and management roles in the financial services, healthcare, and automotive industries.