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6 Questions That Will Make You A Better Coach

Want to be a Better Coach?

Of course you do!  Most of us, when we are honest with ourselves, realize we could be better coaches.  And employees agree – most executives don’t get high marks from direct reports.  In fact, many executives find coaching mystifying and time consuming.

Marshall Goldsmith, one of the top coaches in the world, shares a simple 6 question process to make you a better coach.  The approach focuses not on the past, but rather on the future.  It centers on where and how you, the executive, want to move your business forward.

By focusing on the future, executives can help direct reports be “right” tomorrow, as opposed to proving they were “wrong” yesterday.

Jeff Ertel transparentReview the article and discover how this process can have a dramatic effect on your business.  If you would like to discuss this 6 question process and other coaching concepts, please reach out to Jeff Ertel.  Jeff and our team would be happy to discuss how we have helped our clients implement these kinds of changes in their cultures.

Jeff Ertel is an ICF and Marshall Goldsmith certified coach with 25 years of global leadership experience. He has extensive experience in M&A, Strategic Planning, Change Management, Team Building, Restructuring, Turnarounds and Organizational Development. Jeff helps leaders improve executive performance by maximizing their leadership strengths and increasing the executive’s capacity to lead an organization, including visioning, strategic planning, providing organization techniques, and developing others.