The Importance of the Right Fit
The Importance of the Right Fit March 5, 2013 By Russ Gambrel, CPA, Senior Consultant Fahrenheit Finance Since “doing my time” in public accounting during the mid-1990s, there is one question that has followed me around wherever I go for the past 17 years. In fact, I’ve probably been asked some variation of it 300 times or more. It goes…Read More -
What Do Employees Want Most: Money, Time-off, Involvement?
Do you assume that employees want more pay and higher salaries before any other benefit or reward. Some studies and reports indicate that's true. But other studies reveal that what employees prefer is more complicated. Believing that more pay and higher salaries is what motivates employees to perform better and to stay on the job can result in higher payroll…Read More -
Coming to Grips with the Health Benefits ‘Pay or Play’ Decision
Employers subject to the Affordable Care Act's "pay-or-play" provisions that take effect in 2014 will soon be running short on time to decide which path to choose. The choice involves human resource strategy as well as financial considerations. Here's an overview of elements that may guide the decision.Read More -
Intellectual Property in M&A: Patenting a System for Success
In the global, new media economy, intellectual property due diligence has taken on increased importance in M&A negotiations. And one of the most important categories of intellectual property due diligence is patents. Even companies without significant patent portfolios are bringing in due diligence teams to identify patentable assets and add value. Click here for a closer look at the role…Read More -
The Power of Collaborative Goal-Setting in Driving Employee Performance
All too often, the process of establishing goals for employees in the context of a performance evaluation slides into an uninspired exercise of just going through the motions, only to provide an easy reference point for future compensation decisions. But it can instead be an opportunity to inspire your staff to high levels of productivity and achievement. Accomplishing that can…Read More -
Avoiding Accounting Pitfalls in Growth Businesses
Avoiding Accounting Pitfalls in Growth Businesses By Rachel Antrobus, CPA Fahrenheit Finance, LLC - February 20, 2013 What are the most common pitfalls for start-up businesses when it comes to accounting? I could provide numerous colorful answers given my experiences (this article would be much more entertaining if I did) but the true answer would be a lack of integration.Want…Read More -
Best Questions for Applicants
Interviewing job applicants can waste a lot of time. And applicant interviews often result in hiring the wrong person. You can increase the value of interviews, and improve the chance of hiring the right people, by preparing the right questions. For help preparing, keep reading.Read More -
CPAs are sexy: Accountants in demand as regulatory climate tightens
The numbers are in, and accountants should be smiling. The unemployment rate for accountants stands at just 4.1 percent. And Forbes.com recently listed accountants and auditors at No. 2 on its list of Top Jobs for 2013, just behind software developers. Click to read more.Read More -
Business Tips to Win…from the Winningest Coach
John Gagliardi has a ton of lessons you can learn about leading and coaching people in your workplace. But it surprises him that anyone in the business world would be interested in what he has to say. John, football coach at St. John's University, Collegeville, MN, since 1953, is the most successful college football coach in history. Start with the…Read More -
A Useful Guide for Enforcement Policies from the EEOC
The EEOC laid out its enforcement game plan in a detailed announcement last month. "What leaps off the page," says Fisher & Philips partner Randy Coffey, "is that the EEOC is going to be expanding its efforts and is re-energized for the second term of the Obama Administration." While cases brought against large employers often make a big splash in…Read More -
Are you an IRS Audit Target?
The IRS has announced that it is turning up the heat on small business operations. This isn't surprising in light of recent IRS analysis indicating that underreporting by small businesses is responsible for 84 percent of an estimated $450 billion "tax gap" between the tax revenue that is owed and the amount that has been collected. When it comes to…Read More -
Business Sale: Who Owns Professional Goodwill?
When a professional corporation sells its assets or liquidates, one important tax issue is whether the corporation or the shareholder-employees own any appreciated professional goodwill (with a fair market value in excess of tax basis). So, who owns professional goodwill -- the professional corporation or the shareholder-employees in it? For tax purposes, the answer can make a big difference when…Read More