Part Two: Fraud Investigation Requirements and Best Practices
Baseline Requirements – A successful internal investigation program should include the following baseline requirements: Independence – The group or individual(s) assigned responsibility to conduct internal investigations should have an appropriate level of independence to investigate all matters without inappropriate or undue influence by management Defined Scope and Responsibilities – Defining scope and responsibilities is particularly important if there is a team…Read More -
Fahrenheit Finance Success Story
Small businesses often begin with a dream and here at Fahrenheit Finance we are dedicated to helping turn those dreams into a reality. There is nothing more fulfilling in our business than to successfully provide a platform to assist small businesses take their company to the next level by providing the right finance and accounting resources when, and only when,…Read More -
Part One: Fraud Prevention and Detection Best Practices
It seems a day doesn’t go by where there isn’t a news article talking about an employee who stole customer data or intellectual property, embezzled funds, or committed some other nefarious act against their employer. According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) most recentReport to the Nation on Occupational Fraud and Abuseorganizations lose 7% of their annual revenues…Read More -
Start a stimulus plan in your office
Employment concerns have risen almost as fast as unemployment rates over the last couple years. When employees feel like they need to keep one eye on their job status and one on their work, productivity dips and the worry can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. So what do you do to make sure your employees and team members know that they’ve…Read More -
The HIRE Act…what’s in it for you?
If you are unemployed, raise your hand. All fifteen million of you. Now sigh a giant sigh of relief. The U.S. Congress and President Obama have passed a new law to encourage employers to hire you. The tentative pace towards stability just turned into a bit of a skip as the law was signed into effect on March 18th, 2010. …Read More -
Increasing the value of a company before selling it.
We all know it’s necessary, right? Well, we’re not just talking about building up your billings or sales. What we’re talking about here are a few strategies you can implement to make your buyer happy when he or she examines your company’s financial health. The best overall strategy is to look for financial and performance indicators that point toward things…Read More -
One lesson always leads to another: SXSW follow up
Remember last week when we told you that you had to be paying attention to what was going on in Austin, TX, at SXSW? In particular, we recommended following along online with the session about how data geeks would change the world of finance. Well if you took our advice, then you already know how that worked out. If not,…Read More -
Why you need to pay attention to Austin, TX, this week
As most of us begin to thaw out, there are literally thousands of people converging from all over the world on the eclectic city of Austin, TX. Their goal is to bask in the present, but mostly the future, of the film, music and interactive technology industries. From March 12 – 21, attendees will be treated to panel discussions and…Read More -
CFO turnover on the decline
Big business appears to be increasing the focus on strategic fiscal management as CFO turnover within the ranks of large companies dropped 28% last year. An article on cfo.com titled Downturn in Turnoverillustrates this trend with some impressive statistics, such as: CFO turnover within the Fortune 1000 dropped to 13% from a high of 19% in 2007 and 18% in 2008…Read More -
The IRS is certain: You’re going to need to disclose “Uncertain Positions.”
While it’s not going to be a factor yet, the writing is on the wall: many businesses will face big changes to their reporting requirements when the IRS mandates that “uncertain tax positions” be identified. Essentially, these are strategies applied to tax returns that the IRS may not agree with. Before now, the IRS was at a disadvantage during audits…Read More -
Should we re-examine the way we examine candidates?
As financial professionals, we know that we don’t exactly have reputations for being wild and crazy. But we were all young(er) once. Even 10 years ago, there weren’t nearly as many forums as there are today for our occasional lapses of judgment to find a permanent home. These days, though, it’s not at all uncommon to hear about employers using…Read More -
Is an interim CFO right for your business?
In last week's post we told you about the rising trend of hiring temporary CFOs. This week, we’re going to explore the trend from the business side so you can get a sense of whether hiring a temporary CFO might be a good solution for you now or in the future. Interim CFOs can be an excellent situational asset Hiring any…Read More