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Ted A. Smith III

Phoenix, AZ

I believe there is a high level of human potential in everyone. I seek to unlock that potential through understanding the person and leading them to solutions that increase performance and well-being.

My Experience

  • 30 years in Human Capital management and executive leadership, including Fortune 100, middle market, and start-ups
  • 25 years coaching executives and managers to actualize their innate talent and experience to maximize their contribution to their organizations and communities
  • Executive-level experience as Vice President Human Resources and Chief Human Resources Officer
  • Experience with mergers and acquisitions, business unite re-engineering, succession planning, workforce planning, DE&I, organizational development, and talent acquisition
  • Consultant and advisor to companies throughout the U.S.

Industries Served

  • Industrial controls
  • Aerospace
  • Financial services
  • Telematics software – SaaS
  • Worker’s compensation insurance

My Coach Approach

  • “Seeking first to understand and then to be understood,” as Stephen R. Covey said, by being a good listener
    Focusing on strengths
  • Identifying relevant options that emerge through collaborative conversations
  • Giving advice based on my business and life experiences that encourages my client to maximize their strengths and sharpen their skills in their areas of opportunity

My Qualifications

  • M.B.A. studies at University of Phoenix
  • M.S. Industrial Safety Management, University of Central Missouri
  • B.S. Industrial Safety, Marketing Minor, University of Central Missouri
  • Six Sigma Green Belt

About Me

  • Spending time with my immediate and extended family is always a priority
  • I’m an avid basketball and football fan — go Denver Broncos and Phoenix Suns!
  • I love to travel, especially where there is a great beach

Recommended Reading/Listening

Book: Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, David Allen

I’m Known As

  • A leader
  • A family man
  • Service-minded
  • Positive attitude
  • Solutions-focused

Why I Coach

As a former college and professional athlete, I have experienced the value of coaching in my own life. I am passionate about imparting that same feeling of growth and success into others. I’m truly inspired to see the progress and life-changing evidence in the people that I coach.

Motto, Leadership Quote or Motivational Quote

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.