Money: Is That What Your Employees Really Want?
Your employees want and deserve a fair wage. But money is not the only motivating factor for them. In fact, more and more studies show that money is not the most important factor for the majority of workers. Want to know what really motivates? Continue reading to find out how employees ranked important factors in various studies and polls.Read More -
Smart Hiring: Time for a Refresher Course?
Have you ever hired the wrong person? Maybe the bad decision didn't rise to the level of hiring an embezzler or someone with a violent temper. But regret comes in many forms. You may have hired someone who shows up late most days, or calls in sick every other Friday, or does more personal texting than actual work. It may…Read More -
Need a Better Way to Confront Problem Employees?
Nearly every employee will commit a blunder at some point, some serious, others less so. And more than a few will blunder on a regular basis. Knowing when and how to confront disappointing behavior or performance promptly and head-on outside the realm of your regular review process can save you and the employee a lot of grief, and enable most…Read More -
So, Your Best Employee Wants to Leave? LET.THEM.GO!
SO YOUR BEST EMPLOYEE WANTS TO LEAVE? LET.THEM.GO! Russ Gambrel, Senior Consultant - December 2013 If you are reading this right now, there is a better chance than not that you hate your job. Back in October late night comedians told an endless litany of jokes about the recently published Gallup Poll which found 52% of Americans in the workplace…Read More -
Do You Really Need an HR Department?
Great minds have spent countless hours contemplating how best to establish the right value proposition to wrap around managing HR. A recent article Why We No Longer Need HR Departments, brings up some interesting points. While I don’t agree that we no longer need HR departments, I do agree that the time has come to challenge the old conventions of…Read More -
Paying for Performance and 2014 Raises: What Others are Planning
A new survey looks at how employers are setting their salary budgets for 2014. Based on survey results, it appears that most employers expect to hand out raises similar to those given in 2013. But at your organization, does it matter enough when the time comes to hand out raises? The latest General Industry Salary Budget Survey of 910 employers from Towers…Read More -
Does Your 401(k) Plan Need a Safe Harbor for the Coming Year?
Nobody likes getting slapped with a penalty by the IRS for any reason, let alone for missing the mark on a retirement plan intended to be a benefit. Ideally, your third party administrator will sound the alarm if you are drifting in that direction, in time for you to make necessary adjustments. But if your business is close to the edge…Read More -
Time to SHOP for a Health Plan? IRS Fine Tunes the Tax Credit
The IRS recently issued proposed regulations fine-tuning the rules governing the healthcare tax credit available to certain small employers, beginning in 2014. The Affordable Care Act contains a credit of up to 50 percent of premiums for eligible employers. Keep reading to learn what the new proposed regulations add to the mix.Read More -
How does Company Culture Impact Performance?
Rachel Antrobus, Fahrenheit Finance Senior Consultant September 4, 2013 Company culture can be hard to change. But startup companies possess a distinct advantage – they can proactively create and build their desired culture from the ground up. How important is it? Important enough that many institutional investors believe company culture trumps even strategy as a harbinger of long-term success. In…Read More -
Curb Employee Turnover with Engagement Challenges
Employee turnover is expensive -- very expensive. As the economy continues to build strength, albeit slowly, employee turnover will become a larger problem for many employers. But traditional retention strategies, including pay and benefits, are not the only tools available to address the challenge. In fact, you may be throwing money at the problem with little to show for it.…Read More -
New Approach to FMLA Compliance Could Generate Savings
Taking a more proactive approach regarding requests for time off under the Family Medical Leave Act, and understanding the correlation between this type of leave and future disability claims, can help you manage some health issues and ultimately limit costly employee absences. Recent research collected over a five-year period points the way. Keep reading to get a better understanding of…Read More