Decision Maker for April 2: Frederick Kraegel, Senior Director
By: Times-Dispatch Staff | Times-Dispatch Published: April 02, 2012 New position: senior director, Fahrenheit Finance, an accounting and financial services firm based in Henrico County. Previous position: senior director, Bridge Associates, New York. Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan Education: bachelor's degree, Valparaiso University Career: partner, Peat, Marwick Mitchell & Co. (now KPMG); senior vice president and chief financial officer, Best Products;…Read More -
Are You Eligible for an R&D Tax Credit?
The deadline is April 1 for filing a 2011 claim for the new VA R&D credit. All those hoping to share in the $5M available from the state in current cash payments must file required forms by that date. Qualification for the credit is complicated and even many tax preparers have little experience working with the detailed Federal rules, which Virginia generally…Read More -
Six Ideas for Managing Organizational Dynamics to Support Customers
Six Ideas for Managing Organizational Dynamics to Support Customers Dave Garlock Managing commercial, government, or not-for-profit Customers is one of the most challenging and daunting tasks that Supplies undertake on a daily basis. The relationship is a continuous cycle of product innovation, marketing, sales, order fulfillment, payments and service. The cycle requires a focus on execution, delivery and follow-up to…Read More -
Crowdfunding…help for small business financing?
Crowdfunding…help for small business financing? Doug Jones I will admit it…until recently I had not focused on the progress of the proposed “crowdfunding” legislation in Washington. Maybe the message was drowned out by all of the noise related to government shutdowns, default, gridlock, primary ads and other negative stories. Crowdfunding, which MacMillandictionary.com defines as “use of the web or another…Read More -
Proposed Lease Accounting Rules: How will they impact your business?
As the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) propose changes to the accounting for lease transactions, the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (ELFF) has released a study quantifying the impact of the changes if they are implemented as proposed. In their most basic form the proposals call for the elimination of operating leases, which…Read More -
Doug Jones Featured in Work It, Richmond
January 2, 2012•Jacob Geiger Tell us the basics: Who are you, what’s your company’s name, and how long have you been at this company? Doug Jones, Director with Fahrenheit Finance. I have been with Fahrenheit since April 2011. How did you wind up in this business? I worked for a national firm providing chief financial officer services to small and…Read More -
“Investor-ready” Financial Models
“Investor-ready” Financial Models - Doug Jones, Director Fahrenheit Finance Recently I read an excellent article by Mike Periu about getting your financial model “investor-ready”. Mike explains some key “do’s and don’ts” for preparing models for potential investors. In addition to his fine advice, let me add a few more suggestions about model preparation: It is all about cash flow. Non cash…Read More -
Virginia State Tax Credits
Without passing judgment on the principals in this story, a recent article that caught my attention in RichmondBizSense is a good reminder about the continuing controversies concerning Virginia state tax credits. For those considering purchasing rehabilitation or conservation credits: Buyer Beware. Be sure that you are purchasing from a credible source on whose due diligence you can rely that the credits will…Read More -
Budgeting: Part II
Budgeting: Part II Doug Jones, Director Fahrenheit Finance This seems to be the season for articles that throw budgeting and financial planning under the bus in favor of better strategic planning with an emphasis on words rather than numbers. The authors usually begrudgingly admit that the numbers have their place, but conclude that success is really all about having a…Read More -
Are You Irreplaceable in Your Business?
As the leader of a business, getting away from day-to-day chores allows you to spend more time on the company's long-term growth plan. We thought this article had great points on how to make sure your business can thrive without you. And, it discusses five steps to get there! Check it out and gives us your thoughts.Read More -
Regulatory Changes Governing Key Aspects of Qualified Retirement Plans – What you Need to Know
As the fiduciary of your qualified retirement plan, you should be aware of important regulatory changes that are scheduled to take effect in 2012. The new requirements are a result of the Department of Labor’s continuing effort to make retirement plan fees, and the services for which the fees are charged, more transparent to you (the plan sponsor) and to…Read More -
Budgeting for 2012: What I would like to say vs. what I have to say…
We have limped into the 4th quarter of the year, the traditional time for starting the planning and budgeting process for the next year. I wish I didn’t feel the need to write this piece, not because I am against planning and budgeting…to the contrary, I think they are critical to the continued success of any organization. Rather I had…Read More